Free Scroll Saw Patterns Has Moved!

Free Scroll Saw Patterns has moved to a new home! We have moved our collection of free scroll saw patterns to Scroll Saw Village, an online community for scroll saw enthusiasts! We offer forums, private messaging, user galleries and a free pattern library!

Please join our growing community at Hope to see you there!

Happy Scrolling!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Usage and Copyrights

  • I have created these patterns to be used free of charge. Feel free to use these designs for your own projects or for creating goods for craft shows. However, no more than 200 copies of any one design is allowed without expressed permission. If you use one of my designs in a craft show, shoot me an email. I'd love to hear how it worked for you.
  • Feel free to alter the designs to suit your needs. But, please do not post derivative works on other websites. If you would like to share a design you altered, please email me and I'd be happy to post it on this site.
  • Please do not distribute my designs on other websites. The best way to expose somebody to these designs is a simple link to my website.