Free Scroll Saw Patterns Has Moved!

Free Scroll Saw Patterns has moved to a new home! We have moved our collection of free scroll saw patterns to Scroll Saw Village, an online community for scroll saw enthusiasts! We offer forums, private messaging, user galleries and a free pattern library!

Please join our growing community at Hope to see you there!

Happy Scrolling!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Requesting Patterns

I am usually willing to do custom designs. But it really depends on the amount of time I have available and the interest I have in developing the design. If there is a design that you'd like to see here, email me. I'm always looking for suggestions. If I create a custom design, I will make it publicly available here for everybody to download.

Some designs have no public appeal. IE, portraits of your kids, name word art, etc. or other personalized items. If you need one of these, email me. Perhaps we can work something out.