Free Scroll Saw Patterns Has Moved!

Free Scroll Saw Patterns has moved to a new home! We have moved our collection of free scroll saw patterns to Scroll Saw Village, an online community for scroll saw enthusiasts! We offer forums, private messaging, user galleries and a free pattern library!

Please join our growing community at Hope to see you there!

Happy Scrolling!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mission Statement

I have created this site to share my scroll saw patterns. I design patterns that I find interesting and like to scroll. My tastes may differ from yours. However, I will try to provide designs that suite every body's tastes.

I strive for quality designs and downloadable patterns. I provide a high quality .jpg and a .pdf for each design. If you find a problem with any of the designs, please email me and I'll fix the problem ASAP.

Sometimes I'll do requests. It really depends on if I have time to create them and if I'd be interested in putting the time into a particular design. For more information on requests, see the side panel for a link.

I do not charge for these patterns. They are free for you to use. The patterns available on this site are my designs. I do not troll nor pirate other sites to feed my own. It is an unethical practice that I will not take part in. For more information on the usage of these patterns, see sidebar link.

Please do not distribute my designs on other websites. I'm honored that you like my designs, but please respect my wishes. The best way to expose somebody to these designs is a simple link to this website.